
Thank you for your letter Jinye Food!


Jin Ye(金曄) adheres to the production concept of “zero” additives and insists on making authentic hawthorn snack food. Kaiser appreciates Jin Ye’s trust and will design & build a high-quality and high-tech food factory for them.

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调兵山市| 都匀市| 垦利县| 循化| 青海省| 平泉县| 泾源县| 天台县| 临漳县| 茂名市| 曲麻莱县| 巴楚县| 福泉市| 大冶市| 方城县| 育儿| 东兰县| 赣榆县| 昭觉县| 湖州市| 公主岭市| 盈江县| 绥滨县| 嘉兴市| 靖宇县| 满洲里市| 尉犁县| 金塔县| 石楼县| 洪泽县| 青州市| 阳高县| 彭州市| 建阳市| 苏州市| 麻城市| 郧西县| 象山县| 聂拉木县| 镇雄县| 星子县|